Latest News
We'll let you know when we add more products, upgrades or discounts, and when we make silly decisions like putting everything on sale. Cool stuff happens from time to time and you can be the first to know 🙂
How to check exceptional booklet printing solutions, delivering high-quality results
Are you looking for effective and affordable printing solutions? Do you need to print high quality booklets with ease and minimal effort? If so, then bookmark this page as we…
Award Winners!
It was an honour to be nominated, let alone this… We are proud to announce that Mint Printing is the winner of an APAC Insider Australian Enterprise Award. We will…
End of Financial Year – 2022
We’re squeezing in your final print jobs for the next 4 days! — Identical reprints, edited re-orders, or completely new projects are all welcome. Please keep in mind that certain…
Closure Dates
Happy December! Here are our closure dates for 2021/2022. 2021 Close: Friday 17th Dec, 7pm.2022 Open: Monday 10th Jan, 9am. After another hectic year, we’ve decided to take a few…
21% OFF Sale!
[19/10/2021] A few things are happening all at once and it’s quite exciting… Right up top, the vast majority of our work is printed right here in Melbourne, so now…
Our New Website!
[06/10/2021] If you’re reading this, you’ve stumbled upon our brand new website before we’ve officially announced it to our customers and the public. Clever girl. We hope you enjoy the…